Framtidens hållbara textilier väver ihop Danmark och Sverige
Under ett lunchseminarium i september på Chalmers tekniska högskola fanns forskare från projektet Green Valleys på plats för att berätta om potentialen att använda [...]
Under ett lunchseminarium i september på Chalmers tekniska högskola fanns forskare från projektet Green Valleys på plats för att berätta om potentialen att använda [...]
Kom til seminar i Danmark den 7 nov., hvor vi sætter fokus på dyrkning af græs og kløver til bioraffinering. Landbrugets rådgivere og andre [...]
In the end of June, a two day agricultural fair was held in the south of Sweden where two of Green Valley's project partners [...]
See the movie where Morten Ambye-Jensen, Associate Professor at Aarhus University, talks about the processes outside at the biorefinery, in the process hall and [...]
This interesting question was raised by Agnes Falkenberg Brolin, project manager for Green Valleys, which uses biorefining to develop a circular solution to produce [...]
On March 28-29, the Interreg ÖKS funded project Green Valleys 2.0 had its kick-off at St Jörgen park in Gothenburg. Around 30 people from [...]
In the INTERREG ÖKS project Green Valleys 2.0, between Sweden and Denmark, the focus is on high-quality green protein that is produced through green [...]
The objective of this study was to evaluate silage juice from green bio refineries in liquid diets to pigs and its’ effect on growth, cleanliness [...]
On September 8, 2022, an international seminar was held at Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, where results from the Interreg-project Green Valleys was presented. [...]
Green biorefinery and its extraction of protein from crops like grass, clover and lucerne, makes it possible to produce feed for ruminants and monogastrics [...]